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We are each other's awakeners

empathic resonance

  • Imagine yourself free from the chains that keep you from showing up authentically.

  • Imagine yourself in tune with your deepest impulses.

  • Imagine yourself as a loving, wise guide for your children and family.

  • Imagine yourself as a loving, wise guide for yourself.

  • Imagine yourself in resonance with the earth, as one of her stewards.

  • Imagine yourself going on a journey with a loving, accepting guide who supports you unconditionally to reawaken to the infinite wonder, mystery, and beauty of your life.


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What I Offer

1:1 Coaching, Group Work, Workshops, Consulting, Lectures

Psychosynthesis is a psychology of hope, with its eye not only on past experiences but also on a purposeful future. It speaks to our experience of body, soul, and spirit.

Through an array of methods and techniques, it draws forth our innermost truth and essence and supports a greater sense of presence, self-awareness, and authenticity. This approach not only develops but also strengthens our will, our actions, and our choices; empowering us to make decisions in alignment with our values and who we truly are.

This journey ultimately leads to greater harmony and participation, fostering connections among individuals, groups, societies, and the world at large. 

Authentic Living

"Good education and good therapy are just this: shifting your perspective, letting you see the same reality from a different angle"


Piero Ferrucci


Authentic Parenting

“Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.


Robert Fulghum


Engaged Community

"A healthy social life is found when, in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when, in the whole community, the virtue of each one is living."


Rudolf Steiner

Upcoming Events

Parent and Child Classes

I am offering a program called "Puddle Jumpers" at Seattle Waldorf School for children aged walking to 3 years old accompanied by a parent or caregiver. The program includes indoor and outdoor play, songs, stories, and a shared snack and is offered in 3 sessions during Fall, Winter, and Spring seasons once a week from 9:00 – 11:00 am. The program focuses on early childhood development, parent education, building, and joy. It is an excellent way to meet other parents and build a loving community around your child. It takes a village to raise a child!

“Anouk's presence is very loving and gentle. I really felt seen, heard, loved and supported. She asked just the right questions at the right time. She also provided enough reflections during the sessions that helped me reframe my perspectives and made me consider to dig deeper. I appreciated that she proposed a clear agenda that I can agree on and she managed the time well. I really enjoyed her as a coach!”

Begin the journey with Anouk


Take the first step with a free 30-minute online introductory session. We will engage with what is present within you at this moment. We will look at your life; where you may feel stuck, where you need support, and how I can be of service. I look forward to helping you awaken to the call of your authentic self and offering ways to act on it! 


Let's Stay Connected

For questions or inquiries, please fill out the form and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for submitting!

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